⇁ Where Great Things Grow ⇁

Private Large Party & Corporate Events

We welcome special group reservations, and can accommodate your group almost year round (strictly outdoors) and by reservation only.

Our activities are seasonal, ranging from spring parties to fantastic fall fun, with wagon rides, bonfires, or whatever your group will best enjoy. Milburn Orchards is a perfect setting with the perfect BIG BackYard for large and small businesses to boost employee morale, build team spirit and improve effective communication…not to mention breathe in a little fresh air, and get a little exercise around the farm! We have many options that are totally customized to meet your needs, and your budget. All private parties include the FarmYard play areas and our Barnyard Buddies.

Book Your Event

Ready to Build-Your-Own BIG BackYard Event or schedule a night-time private Bonfire Hayride? 

Please email us at events@milburnorchards.com for a consultation.  We’ll discuss your vision for your event, and fully customize options to fit your needs! We have many options, depending on the time of year. Or we can just keep it simple and rent you the pavilion space to do your own thing in Milburn’s BIG BackYard OR our secluded Bonfire sites.

Our number is (410) 398-1349 or (800) 684-3000.

Current Hours
(closing for the season on Dec 29)

Farm Market & BIG BackYard

Tues-Sat 8am-5pm
Sun 10am-5pm

Holiday Hours: Farm Market & BIG BackYard

Last day of the season is December 29.

dec 23 + 24: 9am-3pm
dec 25 + 26: closed
Dec 27-29: 9am-3pm

Exciting Events

Spring Fun:
Easter Festival – details
May Play Days – details
Summer Fun:
Summer Harvest Parties – details
U-Pick Cherries – details
U-Pick Blueberries – details
U-Pick Blackberries – details
U-Pick Peaches – details
U-Pick Raspberries – details

TEXT MYFARM to 77948 to Receive Event Info & Special Promotions

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