⇁ Where Great Things Grow ⇁
U-Pick Berry & Grape Adventures
U-Pick starts…
Blueberries: late June
Blackberries: early-mid July
Raspberries: mid August
Grapes: mid August

Check back for 2025 updates.
Admission (pay in-person)
$2/person ages 2+
U-Pick Pass: free U-Pick admission & 10% off your container!
You are only permitted in the field if you are picking. Containers purchased on site only. NO PERSONAL BAGS/BACKPACKS/PURSES CAN ENTER THE FIELD.
Milburn grown blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, & grapes.
Picking Minimums (buy containers in-person only)
Can purchase larger container size, as long as the minimum is met for everyone ages 10+. Can mix available berries & grapes in container.
XSmall $4
Pint (up to 1lb) – Minimum for 1 person age 10+
Small $8
Quart (up to 2lbs) – Minimum for 2 people ages 10+
Medium $16
2 Quart (up to 4lbs) – Minimum for 4 people ages 10+
Large $30
4 Quart (up to 8lbs) – Minimum for 8 people ages 10+
XLarge $55
6 Quart Flat (up to 16lbs) – Minimum for 14 people ages 10+
Check before you come! The U-Pick season is very sensitive to weather changes, so always check our Facebook or visit the homepage of our website for updates.
For access to parking and picking, use address 1563 Appleton Rd, Elkton, MD 21921.
Stay in the Know
For advance notice of the exact starting dates for picking each variety, sign up for our email notifications. Mark your profile to include U-Pick Notifications.